Dr. Rama Arora, the faculty members and students to make yoga an integral part of our daily life with Yogacharya Amit Dev

Yogacharya Amit Dev

A few minutes of yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily in both body and the mind. Yoga postures, pranayama, and meditation are effective techniques to release stress.

Meditation gives us relaxation and rejuvenates the body and mind. With this aim in mind, GGDSD College, Banur, Punjab organized an hour-long online Yoga workshop—‘Cosmic Bliss’ in collaboration with Shri Yog Abhyas Ashram Trust on 22nd May 2021. Event coordinator Prof. Vivek Ravi formally welcomed all and introduced the main resource person of the online event Yogacharya Amit Dev, an International Vedic Yoga Expert and author of multiple books on yoga, lifestyle, and diet. The dedication and expertise of Yogacharya made every participant watch the asanas and kriyas with rapt attention. Worthy members from the college management, faculty, and students participated in the workshop with full interest, enthusiasm, and eagerness. The session began by seeking the blessings of the Almighty. Yogacharya Amit Dev started telling about the asanas with warming up, stretching, and breathing by a series of Pranayaam, Padmasanas, Sukhasan, Bhujangasana and specially designed program for the modern world by Yogeshwar Ram lal Ji Mahraj ‘Jeevan Tatva’ ending each exercise with Shavasana and not just asanas or pranayama he emphasis on Sutra Neti, Jalneti, Gajkarni & Dughpan (Drinking milk through Nostril) with the practical demonstration by one of the sadhak from SYAAT.

He further stressed upon everyone to do yoga to combat the prevailing pandemic conditions. Exercises for relieving stress, reducing joint pain, and enhancing the flexibility of the back were also demonstrated for the benefit of the teaching and student fraternity.

Ghrit Neti – Medicated Cow Ghee in Nostrils

One of the many benefits of Medicated desi cow ghee is, pure cow ghee can be used as Ghrit Neti. If you are using desi ghee as nasal drops at home use it in the morning and 30 min before your food. You can use 5ml of pure cow ghee into each nostril. This practice is called Ghrit Neti which helps us with – Stop White Hairs, Hair Fall Treat Migraine, tension headache Cure Trigeminal Neuralgia Treating Tinnitus, Hearing problems Treating Vision problems Cure Lack of Memory and concentration.

Jalneti (Mendatory): It emphasizes that one continues to be called a living being till the time ‘the pranvayu'(Oxygen) circulates in the body, otherwise one is ‘dead’ in its absence. Thus ‘pranayama’ is like nectar i.e. something life-giving for the living being. A perfect control on ‘pranvayu’ that can only be achieved through ‘pranayama’ makes the man not only immortal but also makes him capable of enjoying the ‘Eternal Bliss’ and the divine powers of Almighty.

Purak, Kumbak, Rechak: First inhale deeply through the right nostril. Retain the breath in the stomach or head and then release it through the left nostril. Now reverse the process by inhaling through the left nostrils and releasing through the right.

Bhastrika: Sit in the lotus pose. Now exhale and inhale alternately. It should be deep and rapid resembling the working of a blacksmith’s bellows.

KapalBhati: There are three forms of kapalabhati. Vatakrama (wind cleansing), Vyutkarma(sinus cleansing), and Shitkarma (mucus cleansing), which are performed in the following ways:

Vatakrama: This form is appropriate to practice in a group classroom setting. Sit in a comfortable position, inhale deeply into both nostrils to begin, then exhale sharply, lifting the diaphragm, to emphasize the exhale, allowing the inhale to come as a passive response. Start with 3 rounds of 10 ‘pumps’ each and gradually, as you gain proficiency, increase the number of pumps and the number of rounds. Keep the physical eyes closed and gaze internally toward the third eye (Ajna chakra). Vatakrama can also be done through alternate nostrils, by using the right hand in Vishnu mudra to direct the passage of air through the left or right nostrils. Although breathing is used in this technique it is not a pranayama practice and there should be no breath retention.

Vyutkrama: This practice is similar to jalaneti. Take a warm bowl of mildly salted water, scoop some water into the palm of your hand and sniff the water through the nostrils. Let the water flow down into the mouth and then spit the water out from the mouth. Repeat several times.

Shitkrama: This practice is the reverse of vyutkrama. You take a mouthful of warm salty water, push it up through the nose and blow it out. The sound it makes is the sound of ‘sheet’.

On a physiological level, kapalabhati strengthens the immune system and the will to live through balancing the kaphadosha by removing excess phlegm from the tissues of the body. This makes the body of the yogi as beautiful and as attractive


Shanmukhi Mudra: It is a simple but subtle practice that brightens and rejuvenates the face and eyes and brings about a state of balance leading toward increased awareness and meditative level. one of the techniques of Ashtang Yoga, meant for causing the prana (vital air) to reach the brahmarandhra (the topmost portion of the skull), to make the mind completely steady and to give rise to nada (subtle sounds), the hearing of which is described as nadanusandhana.

As mentioned in Darshana Upanishad (VI 32-36), one sits in the swastika posture, inhales deeply, and holds the breath inside (kumbhaka), accompanied by the mulabandha.

While doing kumbhaka, the Shanmukhi mudra is employed by covering the openings of the ears by the two thumbs, the eyes by the index fingers, and the nostrils by the remaining fingers. This is said to make the prana reach the brahmarandhra, giving rise to nada, comprising various sounds like that of the sea, the clouds, drums, etc.

Principal of the college Prof.(Dr.) Rama Arora in her address motivated the faculty members and students to make yoga an integral part of our daily life by extending the practice of yoga beyond the mat. The virtual event concluded with an interactive question-answer session between the faculty people and the resource person where the queries of the health seekers were answered satisfactorily. The session turned out to be very refreshing, reviving, relaxing, and rejuvenating.

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