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International Day of YOGA 2020

On the occasion of International Day of Yoga, it is with much pride that we can say ‘yoga is India’s gift to the world’. Indeed our ancient wisdom on leading a yogic lifestyle is spreading fast around the globe as more people find out each day the far-reaching benefits of Yoga Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation.

The times we are going through right now call for deep reflection and wise action. So let us reflect on the fact that yoga is a holistic practice for the whole family; and take immediate action and initiate, restart or intensify your yoga practice with the world and

with your family today in the safety of your homes. As a family, we can bond deeper and

grow healthier together by practicing Yoga@Home. After all the meaning of the word

Yoga is ‘to unite’!

Let us imbibe our ancestors’ wisdom into our daily lives because yoga has never ever been more needed than it is today. That which builds immunity, strengthens internal organs, relieves stress and keeps you joyful and energetic to deal with tough times, the practice of yoga itself is your go-to destination.

Yoga attracts many wellness-minded tourists from across the globe to learn its art – whether in the mountains of Rishikesh, in the holy city of Haridwar, the shores of Chennai and Puducherry or in renowned yoga institutes of metro cities like ‘The YogaInstitute’ in Mumbai. Experience for yourself the joy of learning yoga at a retreat underThe tutelage of yoga gurus when travel is safe once again But for now, let us come together in a united spirit, in a yogic spirit and celebrate IDY with our loved ones in the safety of our homes.

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