
Gita Enthusiasts across the Globe Gather at the Virtual JKYog International Gita Festival 2022

(NewswireOnline):- The Bhagavad Gita entails the most sublime wisdom. The beauty is that it was not just applicable 5000 years ago, but it is applicable even today. The awestriking knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita is a different kind of science—the science of manifesting the internal divinity within all of us. To propagate this divine wisdom Swami Mukundananda has written a widely acclaimed commentary on the Gita which is available on Amazon and all leading stores. The International Gita festival is a humble offering by JKYog to disseminate this precious knowledge around the world. The Gita Festival enshrines contests pertaining to every age group and every talent. People from all walks of life have come together to participate in this “mahayagya” that has been ongoing since January 2022.

Various eminent personalities such as Amish Tripathi, Bhavana Roy, Alok Kejriwal  Dr.Vineet Aggarwal, Devesh Mirchandani, Shweta Rohira, Dr. Ashwin Vijay, Devapriya Roy, and Saurav Jha have dived deep into various concepts of the Gita with Swamiji.

Here are a few highlights from the discussions –

  • Hard work does not cause stress, but the attachment to the outcome does. Following the principle of Not attached to Outcomes (NATO), will relieve us from stress forever.
  • Every single moment is a blessing. We should realise this grace from God and develop an attitude of gratitude. Making full use of it, we should use every moment in service of Hari and Guru.
  • Practice makes perfect but perfect practice is what enables us to master any skill. Mastery comes with conscious and consistent practice. Above all, practice can only be perfected with divine grace.
  • True inner strength is that which helps us tolerate pain. When we see meaning in pain, we accept it as the will of God. That pain enables us to move forward in life and achieve success.
  • Science and spirituality are always seen as contradictions. However, just as a train moves on two tracks, life moves with science and spirituality.
  • The Gita describes nuances on controlling anger, greed, lust, pride, etc. It also has tools and techniques for students, householders, celibates, and in fact for people of all age groups and people from all walks of life.

This magnificent event is celebrating its much-awaited culminating weeklong festival from April 11 to April 17, 2022. People around the globe are participating in this virtual event including the Grand Award Ceremony. Highlights of this week-long celebration include a power-packed interaction on Leadership Lessons from Bhagavad Gita between Swami Mukundananda Ji and Army Officer Maj. Gen. Anoop Kumar, Gita Upadesh, Gita Anecdotes, Special Performances,  Workshops on Practical Lessons from Gita (Career Lessons, Relationship Lessons, Youth discussion on FOMO, Holistic Wellbeing and Anger Management), Reading and Recitation of all the eighteen chapters of Gita, exciting games, prizes and much more. Swami Mukundananda will be delivering a special Keynote Speech on April 17th. The entire event will be streamed online and open for everyone around the globe to join. To watch past events and for more details on upcoming events please visit – or