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ROI Institute India releases Benchmarking Report 2019 on the world’s most preferred evaluation system


The Benchmarking Report offers insights into the current trends with details on beneficial ROI practices in any organization.

Measuring the gains provided by its programs against credible and relevant data is vital to any organization. For over 30 years, ROI Methodology® has been the number one choice for organizations worldwide to evaluate the impact & ROI of their projects and initiatives. To better understand the usage of ROI Methodology® in real-world scenarios, ROI Institute® conducted a detailed survey. The results of this survey are now available through the ROI Benchmarking Report 2019.

The ROI Benchmarking Report 2019 offers insights into the current trends with details on all aspects involved in developing a successful and beneficial ROI practice in any organization. Through this Benchmarking Report, ROI Institute® and their India partner ROI Institute India provide a glimpse into the usage and trends surrounding the ROI Methodology®. Using the report, prospective and even existing ROI Professionals will be able to understand the current trends and the latest advancements made in the 25 years since the first launch of ROI Certification in 1995.

To gather the data presented in the Benchmarking Report 2019, ROI Institute® conducted the study with existing users of ROI Methodology®. The participants were those who had completed the ROI Certification course offered by ROI Institute® and are responsible for implementing ROI processes within their organization. It is important to note that the survey participants were randomly selected from among those who had completed their ROI certification in the last 5 years.

The study aimed to examine and evaluate the various organizations that were taking the first steps in ROI Methodology®. To that aim, each participant was asked 33 questions in the survey, gathering 246 responses out of a selection of 1,000 participants. The random distribution of participants ensured that a proper cross-section of ROI Methodology® users was represented, allowing for collecting invaluable data related to organized projects and initiatives.

The benchmarking data thus collected has delivered some quite promising and positive results, which are indicative of the massive progress that has been made in a wide range of areas. The data also serves to underline the fact that ROI Methodology® is now the most preferred system of evaluation across the world. More importantly, it has shown demonstrable success in all kinds of industries irrespective of geographic locations.

The report has also helped in identifying areas where improvement can still be made. As per the survey, 59{c27255e51a72bad2a6cb30fe58330144c0418fbd7e8dd39587873a85d63c5975} of the participants already have an evaluation policy in place in their organization. Of course, with time, it is to be expected that this number will go up with the increasing avocation for timely implementation of evaluation plans.

Among the more promising data is that of program evaluation at different levels. 37{c27255e51a72bad2a6cb30fe58330144c0418fbd7e8dd39587873a85d63c5975} of participants reported evaluating their programs at Level 4 Impact, and 18{c27255e51a72bad2a6cb30fe58330144c0418fbd7e8dd39587873a85d63c5975} reported evaluation at Level 5 ROI. This has exceeded the figures recommended by ROI Institute® and only serves to highlight that organizations are taking these measures seriously. This will, of course, be to their benefit as it will bring about improvement in their programs for continued successes in the long run.

The Benchmarking Report 2019 also covers the barriers and enablers to the implementation of ROI methodology. This data will be of help in identifying areas where improvement can be made. For example, participants have recognized that business alignment for the programs is the most important benefit offered by such processes, with 21{c27255e51a72bad2a6cb30fe58330144c0418fbd7e8dd39587873a85d63c5975} of responders agreeing on it.

The Benchmarking Report 2019 can be downloaded here:

ROI Institute® has partnered with Sarosh Consulting in India to launch ROI Institute India. ROI Institute India aims to help organizations, based in and operating from India, effectively measure and report the impact and ROI of their initiatives, programs, and projects. To know more about ROI Institute India, you can visit:

ROI Institute India offers ROI Consulting Services along with ROI Master-classes and ROI workshops to help professionals develop processes within their organizations to enable them to maximize the ROI of their programs. With over 6000 organizations already employing ROI processes worldwide, companies in India can now also enjoy the many advantages offered by one of the most implemented and used evaluation systems in the world. To view their services, you can visit:

You can contact ROI Institute India at +91-8828118450 or email them at

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